Step-by-Step Guide of IVF-ICSI

Here is a step-by-step guide to the ICSI-IVF process:

Ovarian Stimulation: The first step is to stimulate the ovaries using medication to increase the number of eggs that mature in a single cycle. The doctor will monitor the progress of the ovarian stimulation using ultrasounds and blood tests.

Egg Retrieval: When the eggs have matured, the doctor will retrieve them from the ovaries using a fine needle that is guided by ultrasound. This is typically done under anesthesia to minimize discomfort.

Sperm Collection: On the same day as the egg retrieval, the male partner will provide a semen sample. Alternatively, a sperm sample can be obtained from a sperm donor or from frozen sperm that was previously collected.

Sperm Preparation: The sperm sample is prepared in the lab to isolate the most active and healthy sperm.

Fertilization: In traditional IVF, the eggs and sperm are mixed together in a petri dish and allowed to fertilize naturally. In ICSI, a single sperm is injected directly into each mature egg using a specialized needle and microscope.

Embryo Development: The fertilized eggs (embryos) are monitored in the lab for several days to ensure that they are developing normally.

Embryo Transfer: When the embryos are ready, one or more of them are transferred into the woman’s uterus using a thin catheter. This is a relatively simple procedure that does not require anesthesia.

Pregnancy Test: About two weeks after the embryo transfer, a pregnancy test will be done to determine if the procedure was successful.

It’s important to note that not all couples will require all of these steps, and there can be variations in the protocol depending on individual factors. It’s also important to discuss any questions or concerns with Renew Healthcare fertility counselors.