How Does Obesity Impact on Male Fertility & Sperm Count?
Obesity is one of the biggest problems in healthcare today. Too much body fat leads to a wide range of health problems, whether it comes to affected cardiovascular health, diabetes, infertility, hypertension, bad cholesterol problems, or other issues. Poor lifestyle choices, sedentary habits, genetics, lack of proper diet, insufficient exercise, etc are some of the reasons for obesity issues. How does obesity impact male fertility and sperm count? Read on and get a proper idea.
Obesity and Male Fertility: What is the Connection?
Obesity affects male reproductive health in many ways. It hurts hormones and can lead to oxidative stress and inflammation. Obese men have reduced testosterone levels, which reduce their sperm production, and higher progesterone levels. Due to this hormonal imbalance, sperm count and motility are impacted directly. This makes it tough for obese men to reproduce successfully.
Too much body fat can also result in systemic inflammation. This can damage the delicate balance needed in the body for proper sperm development. When coupled with oxidative stress, such kind of damage can raise DNA fragmentation risks within the sperm cells. Sperm quality is also reduced.
The testicular environment is also affected due to obesity. When there is too much fat in the pelvic area, the scrotal temperature gets too high. This comes in the way of normal sperm production, which further reduces the chances of fertility.
The problems of obesity are compounded further by excessive alcohol intake. Alcohol’s impact on male fertility can be quite negative, as it can cause testicular damage, reduce sperm production, and decrease testosterone levels.
Obesity and Alcohol: How Does it Affect Fertility?
Alcohol disrupts the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, a vital system that controls reproductive hormones. With long-term alcohol intake, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels are reduced in the body. This affects healthy sperm production.
The body also starts producing more of the reactive oxygen species (ROS), damaging molecules that cause oxidative stress. It reduces the quality of sperm and harms the body, affecting male fertility significantly.
Excessive alcohol consumption leads to obesity. Both of these can lead to erectile dysfunction. Excessive alcohol intake reduces nerve function and the flow of blood to the sexual organs. Obesity worsens these issues and contributes to diabetes, hypertension, and other conditions.
How to Get Over These Problems?
You can get over these issues with some definite steps, such as:
Maintaining a healthy body weight through workouts and athletic activities
Giving up or minimizing alcohol intake
Following a diet rich in minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants can promote healthy sperm development.
Managing your stress levels, reducing hormonal imbalance risks
Seeking medical advice, and entering a rehab if needed, to get over alcohol addiction
It comes as no surprise why both obesity and alcohol are such big problems for infertile men. With all these measures, you can improve your health, reduce body fat, enjoy better well-being, and maximize your chances of fertility. When you make optimal efforts, obesity or alcohol will not be a part of your life anymore. You can embrace parenthood more easily.