Associate Consultant
Having an experience of over 11 years, Dr. Neha Yadav is a bright academician, a note -worthy obstetrician and gynaecologist with a healing touch.
She pursued her Undergraduation from Belgaum Institute of Medical Sciences, Belgaum. After completing her Post graduation from Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences under Rahiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, she completed her DNB from prestigious St. Martha’s Hospital, Bangalore. She has practised as junior consultant in many hospitals ,including MOTHERHOOD HOSPITALS, Bangalore . She has worked at BHAGIRATHI NEOTIA HOSPITALS , Newtown with an immense reputation.
Her expertise in counselling and empathy towards patients have made her grow substantially in the field of INFERTILITY and HIGH RISK PREGNANCIES.
She is deeply interested and works as an INFERTILITY SPECIALIST at RENEW HEALTHCARE KOLKATA with an aim to relieve all those mothers of the pain,who carry an agony of not bearing children in their own womb and support all those couples who cannot bring pregnancy and childbirth naturally.