Pregnancy After 35: Renew Healthcare Supports Your Journey6 min read

Pregnancy After 35: Renew Healthcare Supports Your Journey


At 37, Anjali was excited and nervous when she learned she was pregnant. Like many women today, she chose to start her family later in life, prioritising her career and personal growth. 

She isn’t alone. More than half of the women in India gave birth after 30 in 2021. While this empowers women and allows for financial stability and career growth, it comes with its own share of concerns. Nearly 50% of pregnancies in India are now considered high-risk, with one of the most common factors being advanced maternal age.

At Renew Healthcare, we understand the unique path of pregnancy after 35. Our dedicated team of specialists is committed to supporting you every step of the way! 

But first, let’s examine how to navigate pregnancy at this age and understand how to avoid the common issues that arise to ensure a healthy baby. 

Understanding Pregnancy After 35: Why is it considered high risk? 

Older women typically take longer to conceive. For women aged 15-34, infertility rates range from 7.3% to 9.1%. This rises significantly to 25% for women aged 35-39. Along with this, they also face common medical conditions due to their age, which include: 

  • Risk of Miscarriage: 

The risk of miscarriage increases with age. Women aged 35-39 have about a 20-25% chance of miscarriage, compared to 10-12% for women under 30.

Miscarriage is diagnosed through ultrasound and blood tests to check hormone levels.

Treatment varies depending on the type of miscarriage and may include medication or surgical procedures such as dilation and curettage (D&C).

  • Gestational Diabetes:

Women over 35 have a higher risk of developing gestational diabetes – a temporary increase in blood sugar levels that is diagnosed through glucose screening tests during pregnancy.

Management includes dietary changes, regular exercise, blood sugar monitoring, and sometimes insulin therapy.

  • High Blood Pressure (Preeclampsia):

The risk of preeclampsia, a condition characterized by high blood pressure and potential organ damage, is higher in older pregnant women.  Diagnosis involves regular blood pressure checks and urine tests for protein. Treatment may include blood pressure medications, bed rest, and close monitoring of the mother and baby. Severe cases might necessitate early delivery.

  • Chromosomal Abnormalities:

Older eggs are more likely to have abnormal chromosomes, which can lead to miscarriage or genetic disorders. The risk of chromosomal abnormalities like Down syndrome increases with maternal age, from 1 in 1,000 at age 30 to 1 in 100 at age 40. 

Women over 35 are more frequently offered prenatal diagnostics. Screening tests like the first-trimester combined or non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) are used, followed by diagnostic tests like amniocentesis or CVS if needed.

While there is no treatment for chromosomal abnormalities, early diagnosis allows parents to prepare and access appropriate medical care and support.

  • Placental Issues:

Older women are at increased risk for placental problems, such as placenta previa (where the placenta covers the cervix) and placental abruption (where the placenta detaches from the uterine wall). 

These conditions are diagnosed through routine ultrasounds and symptoms like bleeding or severe abdominal pain. Management may include bed rest, medication, and, in severe cases, early delivery via C-section.

  • Labor Complications:

Older mothers are more likely to experience complications during labour, such as prolonged labour or the need for an assisted delivery (forceps or vacuum) or C-section. The C-section rate for women over 35 is about 40%, compared to about 30% for women under 30.

Comprehensive Prenatal Care at Renew Healthcare

While these can seem overwhelming, a little bit of extra care and supervision during your high-risk pregnancy can help you navigate your way through. 

At Renew Healthcare, we understand that every pregnancy is unique, especially for women over 35. Our personalised care plans are tailored to meet each expectant mother’s specific needs and health conditions. These plans involve:

  • Detailed preconception counselling, thorough medical evaluations, and continuous monitoring throughout the pregnancy to ensure both mother and baby remain healthy. 
  • Addressing any pre-existing conditions and potential risks associated with advanced maternal age​. 
  • Regular ultrasounds and fetal monitoring are part of our standard care protocol to ensure optimal fetal development and timely detection of complications.​ 
  • State-of-the-art screening and diagnostic tools to closely monitor the health of both mother and baby – like noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT), amniocentesis, and chorionic villus sampling (CVS) to detect genetic abnormalities and other potential issues early in the pregnancy. 
  • Guidance on prenatal nutrition, including personalised dietary plans that meet the increased nutritional needs of expectant mothers.
  • Experienced obstetricians, nutritionists, and genetic counsellors. Our diverse expertise allows us to provide comprehensive care addressing all maternal and fetal health aspects. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I manage stress during pregnancy?

Managing stress is crucial for a healthy pregnancy. Techniques such as prenatal yoga, meditation, and regular exercise can help.

  • What should I include in my diet to support a healthy pregnancy after 35?

A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats is essential. Specific nutrients like folic acid, iron, calcium, and DHA are vital for fetal development. Renew Healthcare’s nutritionists can create personalised meal plans tailored to your needs.

  • Are there specific exercises recommended during pregnancy?

Yes, low-impact exercises such as walking, swimming, and prenatal yoga are beneficial. These activities help maintain fitness, reduce stress, and prepare the body for labour. Always consult your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise regimen.

  • What are the options for pain management during labour?

Pain management options include epidurals, spinal blocks, and natural methods like breathing techniques and water birthing. Renew Healthcare’s team will discuss your preferences and develop a birth plan that suits your comfort and medical needs.

  • How does Renew Healthcare handle high-risk pregnancies?

High-risk pregnancies require specialised care and close monitoring. Renew Healthcare offers advanced screening, frequent check-ups, and personalised care plans to manage complications. Our multidisciplinary team ensures comprehensive support throughout the pregnancy.


While pregnancy after 35 comes with unique challenges, it can also be a deeply rewarding experience with the right support. At Renew Healthcare, we are dedicated to providing the care and guidance you need to navigate this journey confidently. Schedule a consultation with Renew Healthcare today! 

Key Takeaway Points

  1. Women over 35 face higher infertility rates, with a significant increase from 7.3-9.1% for ages 15-34 to 25% for ages 35-39. They also take longer to conceive.
  2. Advanced maternal age increases the risk of miscarriage, gestational diabetes, high blood pressure (preeclampsia), and chromosomal abnormalities like Down syndrome. Regular monitoring and advanced screening are crucial.
  3. Renew Healthcare offers personalised care plans that include detailed preconception counselling, regular ultrasounds, and advanced diagnostic tools such as NIPT, amniocentesis, and CVS to ensure the health of both mother and baby.
  4. Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are vital. Renew Healthcare provides tailored dietary plans and lifestyle counselling to meet the specific needs of expectant mothers over 35.
  5. Renew Healthcare’s multidisciplinary team includes obstetricians, nutritionists, and genetic counsellors, offering comprehensive care and support throughout the pregnancy.

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