Author Archives: Renew Healthcare

Pregnancy After 35: Renew Healthcare Supports Your Journey

Pregnancy After 35: Renew Healthcare Supports Your Journey Introduction At 37, Anjali was excited and nervous when she learned she was pregnant. Like many women today, she chose to start her family later in life, prioritising her career and personal growth.  She isn’t alone. More than half of the women in India gave birth after […]

Menopause: It’s Not the End, It’s a New Beginning!

Menopause: It’s Not the End, It’s a New Beginning! Introduction: Menopause is like puberty’s older, meaner sister. Filled with hot flashes, mood swings and unavoidable weight gain –  it’s not surprising that women dread this phase in their lives! However, menopause does not have to be the end of the road. With the right support, […]

TESA & PESA at Renew Healthcare: Advanced Solutions for Male Infertility

TESA & PESA at Renew Healthcare: Advanced Solutions for Male Infertility Introduction Trying to conceive and start a family can be an incredibly exciting time. However, this journey can be filled with unexpected challenges and emotional hurdles for some couples. Infertility, the inability to conceive naturally after one year of trying (or six months if […]

Gut Health and Women’s Wellness: The Link Between Your Microbiome and Overall Health

It’s a Gut Feeling! How Tiny Microbes Impact Women’s Health Introduction Our bodies are full of surprises, and one of the most fascinating is the tiny universe living inside our gut. Trillions of bacteria play a big role in our health. These “gut microbes” are like an extra organ; recent research shows they’re essential for […]

Weighing the Pros and Cons of BRCA Testing

Angelina Jolie Did It, Should You? Weighing the Pros and Cons of BRCA Testing Introduction  Angelina Jolie’s decision to undergo a preventative mastectomy due to a breast cancer gene mutation sparked a global conversation on genetic testing and brought hereditary cancer testing into the spotlight. “The Angelina Effect” led to a surge in breast cancer […]

How to choose the right IVF Clinic?

With so many IVF Clinics to consider and choose from, you are probably wondering where you should start in finding the clinic best suited for you. You may have many questions on your mind e.g., how to ensure that this is the right IVF clinic for me, what factors should I consider before commencement of treatment, […]

Unveiling the Truth: Is the IVF Procedure Painful?

IVF Procedure

In-Vitro fertilization (IVF) is known as the most effective form of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). If you are considering IVF treatment, you may have questions about the IVF process and whether or not it is painful. These questions are common, and we are here to help provide answers to help ease worry or confusion.   […]

Affordable IVF Treatment in Kolkata: Breaking Down the Expenses and Finding the Right Path

IVF treatment in Kolkata

Are you considering affordable yet best possible IVF treatment in Kolkata and concerned about the expenses? Look no further! In this article, we will break down IVF treatment costs in Kolkata and guide you in finding the most affordable options available. We understand the importance of finding the right path toward affordable IVF treatment, without […]

IUI and Male Infertility – How It Can Help

IUI and Male Infertility – How It Can Help Infertility is a common concern among couples trying to conceive, affecting approximately 10-15% of couples worldwide. While infertility can have many causes, male infertility is a significant factor in almost half of these cases. Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is one fertility treatment option that can help couples […]

Hysteroscopy: A minimally invasive solution

Hysteroscopy: A minimally invasive solution for abnormal uterine bleeding Abnormal uterine bleeding is a common concern among women of all ages, with causes ranging from hormonal imbalances to structural abnormalities within the uterus. If you are experiencing abnormal uterine bleeding, your doctor may recommend a hysteroscopy to help diagnose and treat the underlying condition. In […]